서브 페이지 내용

BSM's challenge for a more blue world

Product and Service


CFC Refrigerant Destruction
CFC-12 Collection
First-generation CFC fluorine refrigerants (R11, R12, R113, R114, R115) are 'freon gas', an ozone-depleting substance, which has high ODP (atmospheric ozone depletion potential) and GWP (global warming potential), It was used as important for modern industrial development from the 1960s to the 1980s, but after it was discovered that this chemical remained in the earth's atmosphere for several decades and destroyed the ozone layer without decomposition, its use and production were stopped according to international agreements. Applications include refrigeration, freezer, automobile refrigerant, etc., foaming material, refrigerator insulation material, and shock-absorbing packaging material for home appliances.
CFC-12 Export
In particular, CFC refrigerants included in refrigeration and freezers included in home appliances and automobiles are destroyed when they are not used for recycling or economic feasibility, so that the ozone layer can be maintained and the earth's safety can be maintained. BSM is the only company with a track record of exporting to a partner company to destroy the first collection of CFC-based refrigerants in Korea.